Monday, December 05, 2005

I Am

I am a poet writing of my pain.
I am a person living a life of shame.
I am your daughter hiding my depression.
I am your sister making a good impression.
I am your friend acting like I'm fine.
I am a wisher wishing this life weren't mine.
I am a girl who thinks of suicide.
I am teenager pushing her tears aside.
I am a student who doesn't have a clue.
I am the girl sitting next to you.
I am the one asking you to care.
I am your best friend hoping you'll be there.

This poem is dedicated to all the people who have ever thought of suicide. Whatever your case may be... suicide is not the answer. I have been there. I know how you feel. You feel like the whole world is against you. That you have not got a friend who cares. You feel alone and afraid. I hate to break it to you but the whole world isn't against you and you do have a friend who cares and you do have a right to feel afraid. If you have suicidal thoughts... talk to someone... my email... IM and cell phone is always open.


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