Tuesday, November 15, 2005

What kind of Life is THIS?

Laying here awake again
Another Sleepless night.
Somehow I feel when daylight comes
Everything will be alright.
Although I don't know how or when
but someday I'll be in your arms again.
Oh how I miss you so
but I just can't wait
To get out of this place
and go out and finish lifes race.
To make something of myself
and give the world my help.
Oh, I can't to see the outside
because I feel like inside I have died.
Behind these bars
What kind of life is this!?!
Oh how I long for your kiss.
But when I am free
Where will you be?
Will you be happy to see me
or have you forgotten about me?
Like I don't exist?
Oh man, what kind of life is this?


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