Thursday, December 15, 2005

Cold Razor Meets Warm Flesh

I am filled with discontent
My head is full and racing
I cannot control myself
Across the floor i'm pacing

Back and forth,
back and forth
How much can i take?
Why am i asleep so long?
Why can't i just wake

But i know it's not a dream
I know what i must do
I know that i must free myself
The world must get its due

I pull out a blade of sorts
A razor that i hide
To free myself from this hell
The blade's edge as my guide

I tell myself i need this now
In the blade i must confide
My worthless dreams and reckless fury
That i keep deep inside

But then i think, perhaps,
That this is not the end
That it is not my time to die
My life i must defend

But it still hurts deep inside
It won't let me breathe
And i feel cold razor meet warm flesh
See the cut and bleed


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